A few seconds ago a table is taken away by a npc in front of my eyes before a sink was gone.
Why does my roof keep disappearing in sims 4.
The workaround posted in the thread is to delete any glass roofs placed on the same level as your disappearing roof.
There are two ways you can reset your sim.
Many the sims 4 players experience script call failure after ea releases a new patch for the game such as the recent the sims 4.
Island living since old mods and ccs players have installed aren.
I just figured it needed to be reset and went to manage worlds and back again and it reappeared like it had been there all along.
Due to their constant social media grind they often will annoy other sims and if they annoy another influencer they can get in a social media drama.
As the sims 4 has become more and more detailed it s become more complicated to play.
Sims also can do interactions such as ask for shoutouts invite to be in video or ask if photoshop looks real these sims don t care about school much and focus on building up social skills.
My current household has 3 dogs and at first they kept randomly disappearing all at once and when i hovered over them it would say they were at random lots.
As more worlds and gameplay elements have been added the developers have hidden so many more easter eggs in their work.
As the title suggests my pets keep disappearing.
That must be why my kitchen table keeps disappearing whenever new stuff gets put onto it.
I could fix it by calling them and they would just reappear at the front of my lot.
The game is compensating for the gifts by getting rid of the thing it s sitting on.
It is ruining my lots.
It s hard to keep things simple when there are so many gameplay features to keep track of.
You may want or need to reset your sims if they become stuck or unresponsive.
Mac which language are you playing the game in.
If it doesn t match your issue please describe more about it and add screen shots.
The sims 4 platform.
My active sims do not do it but seems npcs felt into a habit.
Sometimes your sims get stuck in the sims 4 but you can reset them with the resetsim command in the cheat window.
My sims were acting like it was fine and going in and out and just disappearing.
English how often does the bug occur.