At the same time however if you pick a trap that is too small you may find that you inadvertently injure the creature.
Will a small possum be alone in attic.
Possums also cause damage to the soffit.
They can climb nearly vertical walls if given enough footing and can easily climb up over your fencing walls and house.
Yes possums are excellent climbers.
You will want to look for a trap that you can bait with ease.
Sound will be your best hint that there are still baby possums in the attic as they will be calling out for their mother.
Because of this you want to hire a professional possum removal company.
They like to make dens out of unorganized spaces because it s likely that they will be left alone in these places.
Possums are actually strong so if you see damage that looks quite extensive on your home roof or soffit chances are you re dealing with possums in the attic and not raccoons or squirrels.
The noise sounds similar to a human sneeze and the mother typically responds right away provided you haven t taken her out of the attic.
It s true that when they re tiny they live and grow in the pouch but it always seems as though once june rolls around and the young are too large for the pouch the mom takes them to a safer place like an attic and they all live together up there and go out at night to forage.
The other time that possums live in an attic is when a mother opossum wants a safe place to raise her young.
If you ve got possums living somewhere in your home i recommend a full inspection of the area such as the attic to check to see for any damage caused.
If your attic is disorganized and let s be honest most attics are opossums see this as prime real estate to settle down and spend a few weeks or months.
It s a warm place it provides shelter and it even provides a food source in some cases.
The majority of pest animals that people will encounter in their attics will be fairly small creatures but opossums are one of the larger climbing animals that have become a problem for home owners.
You can grab them carefully with a gloved hand and reunite them with your mother.
Possums can cause serious damage to the roof and attic.
If a source of food is constant and plentiful the nomadic opossum will consider choosing a long term home often in the shed out building or attic of a nearby household.
Opossums are best known for their reaction of playing dead when they are startled but despite being furry and quite cute they can cause some significant damage if left unchecked in an attic.
Read some of my tips on hiring a good professional possum removal company and what.
A possum may decide to move into an attic for several reasons.
Opossums are untidy eliminating waste wherever they travel.
They need nesting material and as wild animals have unpredictable and variable behavior.
Opossums can cause considerable damage when they live in a house or attic.
The possum may be small but it does have a certain amount of strength behind it.
Because of their size waste piles and puddles are often sizable and messy.